The Pink Minx Est 1996 - Brighton
Whilst a partner at Cutie a shop in Brighton, I started to make and sell my handmade creations, this necessitated a label, and hence the Pink Minx was born.
After a move to Hastings in 2002 ThenPink Minx went into hibernation whilst I focussed on a career in Youthwork. Whilst trying to write my dissertation for the Youthwork qualification I was working toward I discovered there is nothing that stokes the creative fires within me than having to do something harder and more boring like writing an assignment and BOOM… The Pink Minx was back in action
Fast forward a few (too many) more years and once again I have decamped and find myself spending most of my life in a tiny mountain village in Andalucia, Spain.
I am lucky enough to have a workshop here although it is a dark cave like hovel that I have christened The Dungeon of Dreams (and disappointments)
It is here where I work away, shivering in the cold days of winter and sheltering from the sweltering summer heat making Sassy and Sweary, Naughty but Nice homewares and gifts that have a retro cheek appeal.
I , a lovely, long suffering, super supportive, sexy, hunk of love of a husband Jim, and we have an amazing, inspiring and wise daughter Sidney and a trend setting, hedonistic, handsome son Dylan.
Oh god, and I’d better mention the 2 annoying little yappy dogs too Bingo and Bonzo otherwise they’d only get upset